Monday, July 30, 2007

FALL 1905


Fleet (EMD)-> AEG
Fleet (AEG) -> CON
Army (GCE) -> BUL
Army (SERB) supports Army (GCE) -> BUL
Army (RUM) holds
Army (BUD) supports Army (RUM) holds
Army (GAL) ->WAR


Army (BST) holds
Army (BEL) holds
Army (HOL) holds
Army (BER) -> PRU
Army (SIL) supports Austrian Army (GAL) ->WAR
Fleet (BSE) -> SWE
Fleet (DEN) supports Fleet (BSE) -> SWE
Fleet (SKAG) ->NOR
Fleet (StP) supports Fleet (SKAG) ->NOR

DK: Page 10, second bullet point for clarificiation of the Stp situation.


Fleet (MAT) -> NAT
Army (SPN) Hold
Army (MAR) ->PED
Fleet (ION) ->EMD
Fleet (ADR) ->ION
Army (SMY) Support Austrian Fleet (AEG) -> CON
Army (SYR) -> ARM

Army (BUL) -> RUM
Fleet (BSE) supports Army (BUL) -> RUM

Army (ANK) -> SMY


Fleet (NOR) Attacks STP
Army (SWE) Supports UK Fleet (NSE) -> NOR
Army (LIV) Supports Fleet (NOR) into STP
Army (UKR) -> MSW
Fleet (SEV) -> RUM

Officially, NOR is a bounce. But since DK owned it last fall, he gets credit for the SC.

FOR THE RECORD: Page 13, 1st paragraph: "A country cannot dislodge or support dislodgment of one of it's own units." If Glaser's support hadn't been cut in SWE, I would have allowed him supporting BW's move into NOR, though, since he didn't officially dislodge his own troops.

"One night In 1996, during a tour of Norway with the Bay Area Wind Symphony, I got a blowjob from my host family's daughter in the city of Tromso. The next morning at the breakfast table, the girl's mother smiled and said I must be tired, because it sounded like I didn't get much sleep the night before. Her father grinned, slapped me on the shoulder and said, "You like Norway, yes?"

This move is for them."

Fleet (NSE) -> NOR
Fleet (EDN) ->NSE
Army (LON) -> YRK

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