Thursday, September 27, 2007

AIL -- Fall 1902

Results for Spring, 1902

Austria: A ser -> bud
Austria: A vie Supports A ser -> bud

The Army in Norway cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
England: F lon -> eng
England: F nth Supports F lon -> eng
England: A nwy Holds
Dislodged from swe (3 against 2).
England: F nwg Supports A nwy

France: F bre -> eng
Bounced with lon (1 against 1).
France: A bur -> pic
France: A par Supports A bur -> pic
France: F por -> mao
France: A spa -> mar

Germany: A bel Holds
Germany: A ber -> mun
Germany: A den Holds
Germany: F hol Supports F kie -> hel
Germany: F kie -> hel
Germany: A mun -> boh

Italy: F nap -> ion
Italy: A rom -> nap
Italy: A tri -> alb
Italy: F tun -> tys
Italy: A ven -> tri

The Army in Budapest cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
Russia: A bud Supports A tri
Support failed. Army in Trieste moved.
Dislodged from ser (2 against 1).
Russia: A fin Supports F swe -> nwy
Russia: F rum -> bla
Russia: A sev -> rum
Russia: F stp/nc Supports F swe -> nwy
Russia: F swe -> nwy
Russia: A war -> gal

Turkey: A ank Holds
Turkey: A bul -> gre
Turkey: F con -> bul/sc
Turkey: F smy -> aeg

FoF -- Fall 1902

Results for Spring, 1902

Austria: A bud Supports A vie -> tri
Austria: F gre Holds
Austria: A ser Supports F gre
Austria: A tri -> alb
Austria: A vie -> tri

England: A edi -> yor
England: F nth Supports F nwg -> nwy
Support cut by Move from Belgium.
England: F nwg -> nwy

France: F bel -> nth
Bounced with nth (1 against 1).
France: F bre -> eng
France: A bur -> bel
Failed because France: F bel -> nth failed.
France: A par -> pic
France: A spa Holds

Germany: F ber -> bal
Germany: F den -> swe
Bounced with swe (1 against 2).
Germany: A hol Holds
Germany: F kie -> hel
Germany: A ruh -> mun

Italy: F ion Convoys A tun -> apu
Italy: F rom -> tys
Italy: A tun -> apu
Convoy path taken: tun→ion→apu.
Italy: A ven Holds

Russia: F bla Supports F sev -> arm
Support cut by Move from Constantinople.
Russia: A rum Holds
Russia: F sev -> arm
Bounced with ank (1 against 1).
Russia: A stp Supports F swe
Russia: F swe Holds
Russia: A ukr Supports A rum

Turkey: A ank -> arm
Bounced with sev (1 against 1).
Turkey: A bul Supports A bud -> rum
Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support given.
Turkey: F con -> bla
Bounced with bla (1 against 1).
Turkey: F smy -> con
Failed because Turkey: F con -> bla failed.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

AIL - Spring 1902

Austria Completely Rebholzed By Italy and Russia
Germany's Neighbors Agree to "Leave it the Fuck Alone"
Attempts From Alternate Universe to Control England Thwarted
France Enjoying More Than It's Fair Share of Manchego and Rioja
Tunisian Whores Enjoying Boom in Business

Results for Fall, 1901 (Movement)

Illegal order for unit at Trieste (a tri -> gre). Hold order assigned.

Austria: F alb -> gre
Bounced with bul (1 against 1).
Austria: A ser Supports F bla -> bul
Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support given.
Austria: A tri Holds
Dislodged from tyr (2 against 1).

England: F nth Convoys A yor -> nwy
England: F nwg Supports A yor -> nwy
England: A yor -> nwy
Convoy path taken: yor→nth→nwy.

France: A bur -> bel
Bounced with ruh (1 against 1).
France: F mao -> por
France: A spa Holds

Germany: F hol Supports A ruh -> bel
Germany: A kie -> den
Germany: A ruh -> bel

Italy: F ion -> tun
Italy: A tyr -> tri
Italy: A ven Supports A tyr -> tri

Russia: F bla -> rum
Russia: A gal -> bud
Russia: F bot -> swe
Russia: A stp -> fin

Turkey: A bul -> gre
Bounced with alb (1 against 1).
Turkey: F con -> bul/sc
Failed because Turkey: A bul -> gre failed.
Turkey: A smy -> ank

FoF -- Spring 1902

England Bungles Command!
Continent Deemed Way to Peaceful
Russia Claims "Research Experiment" In the Black Sea
Tunisian Whores Would "Prefer More Sailors"

Results for Fall, 1901 (Movement)

Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 2.
Austria: F alb -> gre
Austria: A ser Supports F alb -> gre
Austria: A tri Holds

No order for unit at Edinburgh. Hold order assigned.
Illegal order for unit at North Sea (F nth Convoys A yor -> den). Hold order assigned.
Illegal order for unit at Norwegian Sea (F nwg -> swe). Hold order assigned.
Order for non-existent unit received (A yor -> den).

England: A edi Holds
England: F nth Holds
England: F nwg Holds

Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 2.
France: A bur Supports F pic -> bel
France: F pic -> bel
France: A spa Holds

Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 2.
Germany: F den Holds
Germany: A kie -> hol
Germany: A ruh Supports A kie -> hol

Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 1.
Italy: A apu -> tun
Convoy path taken: apu→ion→tun.
Italy: F ion Convoys A apu -> tun
Italy: A ven Holds

Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 2.
Russia: F bla Supports A sev -> rum
Russia: F bot -> swe
Russia: A sev -> rum
Russia: A ukr Supports A sev -> rum

Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 1.
Turkey: A bul Holds
Turkey: F con Supports A bul
Turkey: A smy -> ank

Friday, September 21, 2007

AIL -- Fall 1901

Results for Spring, 1901 (Movement)

General Notices:

No retreating units; retreat phase skipped.

Order Results:

Austria: A bud -> ser
Austria: F tri -> alb
Austria: A vie -> tri
England: F edi -> nwg
England: A lvp -> yor
England: F lon -> nth
France: F bre -> mao
France: A mar -> spa
France: A par -> bur
Germany: A ber -> kie
Germany: F kie -> hol
Germany: A mun -> ruh
Italy: F nap -> ion
Italy: A rom -> ven
Italy: A ven -> tyr
Russia: A mos -> stp
Russia: F sev -> bla
Russia: F stp/sc -> bot
Russia: A war -> gal
Turkey: F ank -> con
Turkey: A con -> bul
Turkey: A smy Holds

FoF -- Fall 1901

Results for Spring, 1901 (Movement)

General Notices:

No retreating units; retreat phase skipped.

Order Results:

Austria: A bud -> ser
Austria: F tri -> alb
Austria: A vie -> tri
England: F edi -> nwg
England: A lvp -> edi
England: F lon -> nth
France: F bre -> pic
France: A mar -> spa
France: A par -> bur
Germany: A ber -> kie
Germany: F kie -> den
Germany: A mun -> ruh
Italy: F nap -> ion
Italy: A rom -> apu
Italy: A ven Holds
Russia: A mos -> sev
Russia: F sev -> bla
Russia: F stp/sc -> bot
Russia: A war -> ukr
Turkey: F ank -> con
Turkey: A con -> bul
Turkey: A smy Holds

Saturday, September 15, 2007

FoF -- Spring 1901

France, Blue (Jason) -- 3 SC
Germany, Gray (Ben Horne) -- 3 SC
Turkey, Yellow (Brendan) -- 3 SC
Italy, Green (Ben Wright) -- 3 SC
England, Purple (Rob) -- 3 SC
Russia, White (Joe) -- 4 SC
Austria, Red (Rebholz) -- 3 SC

AIL - Spring 1901

France, Blue (Molly) -- 3 SC
Germany, Gray (EZ) -- 3 SC
Turkey, Yellow (Tim) -- 3 SC
Italy, Green (Dan) -- 3 SC
England, Purple (Glaser) -- 3 SC
Russia, White (EG) -- 4 SC
Austria, Red (Terry) -- 3 SC

A New Day is Upon Us

Well, the new games are set and once again our friendships are in jeopardy. Here are the games:

The Folding of the French (FoF):
Jason -- France
Ben Horne -- Germany
Brendan -- Turkey
Joe -- Russia
Rebholz -- Austria
Rofo -- England
Ben Wright -- Italy

The Austro-Italian Love Affair (AIL):
Molly -- France
EZ -- Germany
Tim -- Turkey
Dan -- Italy
Glaser -- England
Terry -- Austria
EG -- Russia

To reiterate the basic rules: moves are due at 8:00 pacific on Monday and Thursday. First moves this Monday. Maps will be posted here. Word?