Results for Spring, 1902
Austria: A ser -> bud
Austria: A vie Supports A ser -> bud
Austria: A vie Supports A ser -> bud
The Army in Norway cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
England: F lon -> eng
England: F nth Supports F lon -> eng
England: A nwy Holds
England: F nth Supports F lon -> eng
England: A nwy Holds
Dislodged from swe (3 against 2).
England: F nwg Supports A nwyFrance:
France: F bre -> eng
France: A par Supports A bur -> pic
France: F por -> mao
France: A spa -> mar
Bounced with lon (1 against 1).
France: A bur -> picFrance: A par Supports A bur -> pic
France: F por -> mao
France: A spa -> mar
Germany: A bel Holds
Germany: A ber -> mun
Germany: A den Holds
Germany: F hol Supports F kie -> hel
Germany: F kie -> hel
Germany: A mun -> boh
Germany: A ber -> mun
Germany: A den Holds
Germany: F hol Supports F kie -> hel
Germany: F kie -> hel
Germany: A mun -> boh
Italy: F nap -> ion
Italy: A rom -> nap
Italy: A tri -> alb
Italy: F tun -> tys
Italy: A ven -> tri
Italy: A rom -> nap
Italy: A tri -> alb
Italy: F tun -> tys
Italy: A ven -> tri
The Army in Budapest cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
Russia: A bud Supports A tri
Russia: F rum -> bla
Russia: A sev -> rum
Russia: F stp/nc Supports F swe -> nwy
Russia: F swe -> nwy
Russia: A war -> gal
Support failed. Army in Trieste moved.
Dislodged from ser (2 against 1).
Russia: A fin Supports F swe -> nwyDislodged from ser (2 against 1).
Russia: F rum -> bla
Russia: A sev -> rum
Russia: F stp/nc Supports F swe -> nwy
Russia: F swe -> nwy
Russia: A war -> gal
Turkey: A ank Holds
Turkey: A bul -> gre
Turkey: F con -> bul/sc
Turkey: F smy -> aeg
Turkey: A bul -> gre
Turkey: F con -> bul/sc
Turkey: F smy -> aeg