Austria Completely Rebholzed By Italy and Russia
Germany's Neighbors Agree to "Leave it the Fuck Alone"
Attempts From Alternate Universe to Control England Thwarted
France Enjoying More Than It's Fair Share of Manchego and Rioja
Tunisian Whores Enjoying Boom in Business
Results for Fall, 1901 (Movement)
Illegal order for unit at Trieste (a tri -> gre). Hold order assigned.
Austria: F alb -> gre
Austria: F alb -> gre
Bounced with bul (1 against 1).
Austria: A ser Supports F bla -> bul Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support given.
Austria: A tri Holds Dislodged from tyr (2 against 1).
England: F nth Convoys A yor -> nwy
England: F nwg Supports A yor -> nwy
England: A yor -> nwy
England: F nwg Supports A yor -> nwy
England: A yor -> nwy
Convoy path taken: yor→nth→nwy.
France: A bur -> bel
France: A spa Holds
Bounced with ruh (1 against 1).
France: F mao -> porFrance: A spa Holds
Germany: F hol Supports A ruh -> bel
Germany: A kie -> den
Germany: A ruh -> bel
Germany: A kie -> den
Germany: A ruh -> bel
Italy: F ion -> tun
Italy: A tyr -> tri
Italy: A ven Supports A tyr -> tri
Italy: A tyr -> tri
Italy: A ven Supports A tyr -> tri
Turkey: Russia: F bla -> rum
Russia: A gal -> bud
Russia: F bot -> swe
Russia: A stp -> fin
Russia: A gal -> bud
Russia: F bot -> swe
Russia: A stp -> fin
Turkey: A bul -> gre
Bounced with alb (1 against 1).
Turkey: F con -> bul/sc Failed because Turkey: A bul -> gre failed.
Turkey: A smy -> ank
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