Sunday, October 11, 2009

Diplo in a Day!

The greatest military minds of a generation will gather on the muddy fields of Europe on Sunday November 8th for a pitched battle of war... and wits.

Start-time: 10am PST/1pm EST (Yes, it's early. Stop whining. You want to finish this thing before you have to go to work on Monday, right?). Randomly selected country assignments will be revealed at 9:30am PST. First moves due at 10:00am PST.

Moves due every 20 minutes, starting at 10:00am. Late moves will not be accepted. If a country has not submitted their moves on times, all of their units will be treated as Holding.

Maps will be posted as quickly as possible. Regardless of how long it takes to post the new maps, moves will be due in 20 minutes. If things are adjudicated smoothly, then you might have 15 minutes to scheme before your moves are due. If it takes a little longer to post the maps, then you'll have a little less time to digest the map before your maps are due.


Anonymous said...

Woo, girl. Woo!

RebholzJones said...

goddamn dk still cracks me up