Results for Spring, 1908 (Movement)
General Notices:
Order resolution completed on 08-Nov-2009 at 19:17:11 EST
Order Results:
Austria: A bud Supports A vie
Support failed. Move orders must be supported explicitly.
Austria: F nap -> tys
Failed because France: F tys -> rom failed.
Austria: A rom -> tus
Bounced with tus (1 against 1).
Austria: F ven HoldsAustria: A vie -> tyr
Bounced with mun (1 against 1).
No order for unit at Baltic Sea. Hold order assigned.England:
F bal HoldsEngland: A den -> kieEngland: F eng -> maoEngland:
A fin -> stpEngland: A kie -> holEngland: A lvn -> pruEngland:
F lon -> engEngland: A mos -> warEngland: A stp -> mosEngland:
A war -> galEngland: F wes Supports F tys
Support failed. Move orders must be supported explicitly.
France: A boh Supports A war -> galFrance: F lyo Supports F
Support failed. Move orders must be supported explicitly.
France: A mun -> tyr
Bounced with vie (1 against 1).
France: A pie Supports A tyr -> venFrance: A sil Supports A war
-> galFrance: F tun Supports F tys -> ion
Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support
France: A tus Supports A tyr -> ven
Support cut by Move from Rome.
France: A tyr -> ven
Bounced with ven (2 against 2).
France: F tys -> rom
Failed because Austria: A rom -> tus failed.
No order for unit at Smyrna. Hold order assigned.Turkey:
F alb Supports F ionTurkey: F eas Convoys A smy -> apu
No associated Move order for this convoy.
Turkey: A gal Supports A vie
Support failed. Move orders must be supported explicitly. Dislodged
from war (3 against 2).
Turkey: F gre Supports F ionTurkey: F ion Convoys A smy -> apu
No associated Move order for this convoy.
Turkey: A rum Supports A galTurkey: A sev Supports A rumTurkey:
A smy HoldsTurkey: A tri Supports F ven
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