Tuesday, October 30, 2007

FoF -- Spring 1907

Results for Fall, 1906

Austria: A boh -> mun
Austria: F gre -> ion
Bounced with ion (2 against 2).
Austria: A mun -> bur
Austria: A ruh Supports A mun -> bur
Austria: A ser -> gre
Failed because Austria: F gre -> ion failed.
Austria: A tri -> ven
Bounced with ven (2 against 2).
Austria: A tyr Supports A tri -> ven
Austria: A vie Holds

England: A bel -> bur
Bounced with mun (1 against 1).
England: F hol -> bel
Failed because England: A bel -> bur failed.
England: F nth -> hol
Failed because England: F hol -> bel failed.
England: F wal -> lvp
Bounced with nao (1 against 1).

Fleet built in Liverpool

France: A bre Holds

Germany: A par Holds

Italy: A gas Holds
Italy: F ion Holds
Italy: F mao -> iri
Italy: F nao -> lvp
Bounced with wal (1 against 1).
Italy: A pie Supports A ven
Italy: F tys Supports F ion
Italy: A ven Holds

Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 1.
Russia: F aeg Supports F gre -> ion
Russia: F bal -> kie
Russia: F bar -> nwg
Russia: A ber Supports F bal -> kie
Russia: F bla Holds
Russia: A den Supports F bal -> kie
Russia: F kie -> hel
Russia: A nwy Holds
Russia: A sil Holds
Russia: A ukr Holds
Russia: A war Holds

Fleet built on the north coast of St Petersberg

AIL -- Spring 1907

Results for Fall, 1906

France: A bel Supports A hol
France: F edi Holds
France: A hol Supports A ruh -> kie
France: F lvp Holds
France: A mar -> bur
France: F pie -> lyo
France: A ruh -> kie
Bounced with kie (2 against 2).
France: F wal -> eng

Army built in Paris, Fleet in Marseilles

No order for unit at Norwegian Sea. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Skagerrak. Hold order assigned.

Germany: F nwg Holds
Germany: F ska Holds

No order for unit at Naples. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Tyrrhenian Sea. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Venice. Hold order assigned.

Italy: A nap Holds
Italy: F tys Holds
Italy: A ven Holds

Russia: F ank Supports A bul -> con
Russia: F bla Supports A bul -> con
Russia: A boh -> vie
Russia: A bud Supports A boh -> vie
Russia: A bul -> con
Russia: A den Holds
Russia: F kie Holds
Russia: A mun Supports F kie
Russia: F nwy Holds
Russia: A ser -> bul
Bounced with gre (1 against 1).
Russia: A sev -> arm
Russia: A sil -> ber
Russia: F stp/nc Supports F nwy

Armies built in Sev, Mos, War

Turkey: F aeg Supports F gre -> bul
Turkey: F gre -> bul/sc
Turkey: A smy Holds
Turkey: F tri Holds
Turkey: A vie Holds
Dislodged from boh (2 against 1).

Army bohemia retreats to galicia
Fleet in Trieste is disbanded

Friday, October 26, 2007

AIL -- Fall 1906

Results for Spring, 1906

England: F lvp Holds
Dislodged from iri (2 against 1).

Army in Liverpool is disbanded

France: A bel Supports A ruh
France: A bur -> mar
France: A hol -> kie
France: F iri -> lvp
France: F mar -> pie
France: A ruh Supports A hol -> kie
France: F wal Supports F iri -> lvp
France: F yor -> edi

Germany: F nwg Supports F ska -> nwy
Germany: F ska -> nwy
Bounced with nwy (2 against 2).

Italy: A nap Holds
Italy: F tys Holds
Italy: A ven Holds

Russia: F ank -> con
Bounced with bul (1 against 1).
Russia: F ber -> kie
Russia: A bud -> vie
Bounced with vie (1 against 1).
Russia: A den Supports F ber -> kie
Russia: A mos -> sev
Russia: A mun Supports F ber -> kie
Russia: F nwy Holds
Russia: A pru -> sil
Russia: A rum -> bul
Russia: A ser Supports A rum -> bul
Russia: F sev -> bla
Russia: A sil -> boh
Russia: F stp/nc Supports F nwy

Turkey: F alb -> gre
Turkey: A bul -> con
Bounced with ank (1 against 1).
Dislodged from rum (2 against 1).
Turkey: A con -> smy
Turkey: F smy -> aeg
Turkey: F tri Holds
Turkey: F tri supports A vie -> bud Illegal move, fleet in Trieste cannot reach Budapest
Turkey: A vie -> bud
Bounced with bud (1 against 1).

The Army in Bulgaria cannot retreat; unit destroyed.

FoF -- Fall 1906

Results for Spring, 1906

Austria: A boh -> mun
Austria: A bud -> vie
Austria: F gre Holds
Austria: A mun -> ruh
Austria: A ser Holds
Austria: A tri Holds
Austria: A tyr Supports A boh -> mun
Austria: A vie -> boh

England: F hol Supports A lon -> bel
England: F lvp -> wal
England: A lon -> bel
Convoy path taken: lon→nth→bel.
England: F nth Convoys A lon -> bel

France: A bre Holds

Germany: A bel Holds
Dislodged from lon (2 against 1).
Germany: A kie Holds
Dislodged from den (2 against 1).
Germany: A par Holds

The Army in Kiel cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
The Army in Belgium is disbanded

Italy: F ion Holds
Italy: A mar -> gas
Italy: F mao -> nao
Italy: F nap -> tys
Italy: F por -> mao
Italy: A tus -> pie
Italy: A ven Holds

Russia: F aeg Holds
Russia: A ber Supports F den -> kie
Russia: F bla Holds
Russia: F den -> kie
Russia: F bot -> bal
Russia: A nwy Holds
Russia: A pru -> war
Russia: A sev -> ukr
Russia: A sil Holds
Russia: F stp/nc -> bar
Russia: A swe -> den

Friday, October 19, 2007

FoF -- Fall 1905

Results for Spring, 1905

Austria: A boh Supports A tyr -> mun
Austria: A bud -> tri
Failed because Austria: A tri -> tyr failed.
Austria: F gre Holds
Austria: A mun -> ruh
Bounced with ruh (1 against 2).
Austria: A ser Supports A bud -> tri
Austria: A tri -> tyr
Failed because Austria: A tyr -> mun failed.
Austria: A tyr -> mun
Failed because Austria: A mun -> ruh failed.
Austria: A vie Supports A tri -> tyr

England: F edi -> nth
England: A lon Holds
England: F nth -> hol

France: F eng Supports A gas -> bre
France: A gas -> bre

Germany: F bal -> den
Bounced with ska (1 against 1).
Germany: A bel Supports A ruh
Germany: A ber Holds
Dislodged from pru (2 against 1).
Germany: F den -> hel
Germany: A par Holds
Germany: A ruh Holds

Army in Berlin retreats to Kiel

Italy: F lyo -> spa/sc
Italy: F ion Holds
Italy: A rom -> tus
Italy: A spa -> mar
Italy: A ven Holds
Italy: F wes -> mao

Russia: F bla Holds
Russia: F bot -> bal
Failed because Germany: F bal -> den failed.
Russia: A pru -> ber
Russia: A sil Supports A pru -> ber
Russia: F ska -> den
Russia: F smy -> aeg
Russia: A stp -> nwy
Russia: A swe Supports F ska -> den
Russia: A war Holds

AIL -- Fall 1905

Results for Spring, 1905

England: F lvp Holds


France: A bel Holds
France: F bre -> eng
France: A bur -> ruh
France: F eng -> iri
France: F lon Holds
France: A mar -> bur
France: A par -> pic

Germany: F edi -> nth
Bounced with nwy (1 against 1).
Germany: A hol -> bel
Bounced with bel (1 against 1).
Germany: A kie -> ber
Germany: F nth -> ska
Germany: A tyr Supports A ser -> tri

Italy: A nap Holds
Italy: F tys Holds
Italy: A ven Holds

Russia: F bla Supports A sev -> rum
Russia: A boh -> mun
Russia: A bud -> vie
Russia: F den -> kie
Russia: F nwy -> nth
Bounced with edi (1 against 1).
Russia: A rum -> bud
Russia: A sev -> rum
Russia: A sil Supports A boh -> mun
Russia: A swe -> den
Russia: A tri Holds
Dislodged from ser (2 against 1).
Russia: A war -> pru

The Army in Trieste cannot retreat; unit destroyed.

Turkey: A ank -> con
Turkey: A bul Holds
Turkey: F gre -> alb
Turkey: F ion -> adr
Turkey: A ser -> tri
Turkey: F smy -> ank Impossible move -- coastlines are not touching

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

AIL -- Spring 1905

Results for Spring, 1904


Austria is WTF dead

No order for unit at Liverpool. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at North Atlantic Ocean. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Yorkshire. Hold order assigned.

England: F lvp Holds
England: F nao Holds
England: F yor Holds

England doesn't disband the fleet in Yorkshire

France: A pic -> bel
France: A bur supports A pic -> bel
France: A mar supports A bur
France: F lon Holds
France: F eng supports F lon

France builds a fleet in Brest and an army in Paris

F nth Supports A den
A den Holds
F edi Holds
A tyr > pie
A mun > tyr
A bel Holds

Germany retreats Denmark -> Kiel and Belgium -> Holland
Germany disbands the army in Piedmont


Italy: A nap Holds
Italy: F tys Holds
Italy: A ven Holds

F nwy > nth
F ska > den
A swe supports F ska > den
A war > sil
A vie > boh
A tri holds
A bud supports A tri
A rum supports A bud
F bla supports A rum

Russia builds armies in Warsaw and Sevastapol

F ion -> tys
F gre -> ion
A ank Holds
A bul Holds
A ser Holds

Turkey builds a fleet in good old Smyrnia

FoF -- Spring 1905

Results for Fall, 1904


Austria: A boh Supports A tyr -> mun
Austria: A bud -> tri
Austria: A bul -> ser
Austria: F gre Holds
Austria: A tri -> tyr
Austria: A tyr -> mun
Austria: A vie Supports A tri -> tyr

Austria builds an army in Budapest

No order for unit at London. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at North Sea. Hold order assigned.

England: A lon Holds
England: F nth Holds

England builds a fleet in Edinburgh

No order for unit at Belgium. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at English Channel. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Gascony. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Irish Sea. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Spain. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Yorkshire. Hold order assigned.

France: A bel Holds
Dislodged from hol (2 against 1).
France: F eng Holds
France: A gas Holds
France: F iri Holds
France: A spa Holds
Dislodged from mar (2 against 1).
France: A yor Holds

France disbands a bunch of shit, keeping a fleet in the English Channel and an Army in Marseilles (by default because they are the closest to France's home centers).

Germany: F bal -> swe
Bounced with swe (2 against 2).
Germany: F den Supports F bal -> swe
Germany: A hol -> bel
Germany: A par Holds
Germany: A ruh Supports A hol -> bel

Germany builds an army in Berlin, but he's not happy about it.

Italy: F lyo Supports A mar -> spa
Italy: F ion Holds
Italy: A mar -> spa
Italy: F tys -> wes
Italy: A ven Holds

Russia: F bla Holds
Russia: F bot Supports A swe
Russia: A lvn -> pru
Russia: F nwy -> ska
Russia: F smy Holds
Russia: A swe Holds
Russia: A ukr -> war
Russia: A war -> sil

Russia builds an army in St Petersberg


Friday, October 12, 2007

AIL -- Fall 1904

Results for Spring, 1904

Austria: A ser Holds
Dislodged from alb (2 against 1).
Austria: A tri Holds
Dislodged from bud (2 against 1).

The Army in Serbia cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
The Army in Trieste disbands

No orders were sent, all units hold
England: F lvp Holds
England: F nao Holds
England: F yor Holds

France: F eng Supports A pic
France: A mar Holds
France: A par -> bur
France: A pic Holds
France: F wal -> lon

Germany: A bel Holds
Germany: A den Holds
Germany: F hol -> nth
Germany: A mun -> tyr
Failed because Germany: A tyr -> tri failed.
Germany: F nth -> edi
Germany: A tyr -> tri
Bounced with tri (1 against 1).

Italy seems to have thrown in the towel, more interested in wine and women than in European domination. Units will hold and dislodged units will disband.

Italy: F ion Holds
Dislodged from aeg (2 against 1).
Italy: A nap Holds
Italy: F tys Holds
Italy: A ven Holds

Fleet in the Ionian Sea disbands, most soldiers making their way back to Tunisia in search of women who go by names like "Opal" and "Diamond".

Russia: F bla Supports A rum
Support failed. Move orders must be supported explicitly.
Russia: A bud -> tri
Russia: A mos -> war
Russia: F nwy -> ska
Russia: F nwg -> nwy
Russia: A rum -> bud
Russia: A sev -> rum
Russia: A swe Supports F nwg -> nwy
Russia: A vie Supports A bud -> tri

Turkey: F aeg -> ion
Turkey: A alb -> ser
Turkey: A ank Holds
Turkey: A bul Supports A alb -> ser
Turkey: F gre Supports F aeg -> ion

FoF -- Fall 1904

Results for Spring, 1904

Austria: A alb -> tri
Austria: A bud -> vie
Austria: A bul Holds
Austria: F gre Holds
Austria: A rum -> bud
Austria: A tri -> tyr
Austria: A vie -> boh

England: F nth Supports A wal -> lon
Support cut by Move from Denmark.
England: A wal -> lon

France: A bel Holds
France: F eng -> iri
France: A gas Supports A spa
France: A lon -> yor
France: F pic -> eng
France: A spa Holds

Germany: A bur -> par
Germany: F den -> nth
Bounced with nth (1 against 1).
Germany: F bot -> bal
Germany: A hol -> bel
Bounced with bel (1 against 1).
Germany: A kie -> ruh

Italy: F lyo -> spa/sc
Bounced with spa (2 against 2).
Italy: F ion Holds
Italy: A mar Supports F lyo -> spa
Italy: A pie -> ven
Italy: F rom -> tys

Russia: F ank -> bla
Russia: F con -> smy
Russia: A fin -> swe
Russia: A mos -> lvn
Russia: F nwy Supports A fin -> swe
Russia: F stp/sc -> bot
Russia: A ukr Holds
Russia: A war Holds

Turkey: F aeg Holds

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

AIL -- Spring 1904

Results for Fall, 1903

Austria: A ser Holds
Austria: A tri -> vie

England: F iri -> lvp
England: F nao Supports F iri -> lvp
England: F yor -> lon
Bounced with den (1 against 1).

No order for unit at Marseilles. Hold order assigned.

France: F bre -> eng
France: F lvp -> wal
France: A mar Holds
France: A par Supports A pic
France: A pic Holds

Germany: A bel Holds
Germany: A boh -> tyr
Germany: A den -> lon
Bounced with yor (1 against 1).
Convoy path taken: den→nth→lon.
Germany: F hol Supports F nth
Germany: F nth Convoys A den -> lon
Germany: A ruh -> mun

No order for unit at Ionian Sea. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Naples. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Tyrrhenian Sea. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Venice. Hold order assigned.

Italy: F ion Holds
Italy: A nap Holds
Italy: F tys Holds
Italy: A ven Holds

Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 1.
Russia: F bar -> nwg
Russia: F bla Supports A rum
Russia: A bud Supports A gal -> vie
Russia: A gal -> vie
Russia: F nwy Supports F bar -> nwg
Russia: A rum Supports A bud
Russia: A sev Holds
Russia: A swe Supports F nwy

New Army built in Moscow

Turkey: A alb -> tri
Failed because Austria: A tri -> vie failed.
Turkey: A ank Holds
Turkey: F bul/sc -> aeg
Turkey: A con -> bul
Turkey: F gre -> alb
Failed because Turkey: A alb -> tri failed.

FoF -- Spring 1904

England Ordered to Increase Marmite Production, Look to Turkey for More Yeast
Turkey Busy Supplying Yeast to England, Fails to Order Armies During War
Russia In Disbelief that Turkey Was Not Brought to Submission 1000 Years Ago
Italy Finds Nicer Coast in Nice

Results for Fall, 1903

Austria: A alb -> gre
Failed because Austria: F gre -> aeg failed.
Austria: A bud -> rum
Austria: A bul Supports F bla -> con
Austria: F gre -> aeg
Bounced with aeg (1 against 1).
Austria: A tri Holds
Austria: A vie Holds

New Army manufactured in Budapest

England: F edi -> nth
England: F lvp Supports A yor -> wal
England: F nwy -> ska
England: A yor -> wal

Fleet in the Skaggerak (or however you write it) is ordered to sink
Army in Liverpool is ordered to disband

France: A bur -> bel
France: F eng Supports A bur -> bel
France: A lon Holds
France: A mar Holds
Dislodged from pie (2 against 1).
France: F pic Supports A bur -> bel
France: A por -> spa

Army in Marseilles retreats to Gascony

Germany: F bal -> bot
Germany: F bel Holds
Dislodged from bur (3 against 2).
Germany: F den Holds
Germany: A hol Supports F bel
Germany: A mun -> bur

The Fleet in Belgium cannot retreat; unit destroyed.

New Army built in Kiel

Italy: F lyo Supports A pie -> mar
Italy: F ion Holds
Italy: A pie -> mar
Italy: A ven -> pie

New Fleet built in Rome

Russia: F ank Supports F bla -> con
Russia: F bla -> con
Russia: A fin Supports F swe -> nwy
Russia: A lvn -> war
Russia: A rum -> ukr
Russia: F swe -> nwy

New Fleet built in St Petersberg
New Army recruited in Moscow

No order for unit at Aegean Sea. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Constantinople. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Smyrna. Hold order assigned.

Turkey: F aeg Holds
Turkey: F con Holds
Dislodged from bla (3 against 1).
Turkey: A smy Holds

The Fleet in Constantinople cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
The Army in Smyrnia is ordered to disband

Friday, October 5, 2007

AIL - Fall 1903

Results for Spring, 1903


Austria: A tri -> ser
Austria: A vie -> tri

England: F eng -> iri
England: F nth -> eng
Bounced with bre (1 against 1).
Dislodged from hel (3 against 1).
England: F nwg -> nao

Fleet in the North Sea retreats to Yorkshire

France: F bre -> eng
Bounced with nth (1 against 1).
France: F iri -> lvp
France: A mar Holds
France: A par Supports A pic
France: A pic Holds

Germany: A bel Holds
Germany: A boh Holds
Germany: A den Holds
Germany: F hel -> nth
Germany: F hol Supports F hel -> nth
Germany: A ruh Supports A bel

No order for unit at Ionian Sea. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Naples. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Tyrrhenian Sea. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Venice. Hold order assigned.

Italy: F ion Holds
Italy: A nap Holds
Italy: F tys Holds
Italy: A ven Holds

Russia: F bla Supports A rum
Russia: A bud Supports A gre -> ser
Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support given.
Russia: F nwy Supports F hel -> nth
Russia: A rum Supports A bud
Russia: A sev Holds
Russia: F stp/nc -> bar
Russia: A swe Supports F nwy
Russia: A war -> gal

Turkey: F aeg -> gre
Turkey: A ank Holds
Turkey: F bul/sc -> con
Bounced with con (1 against 1).
Turkey: A con -> bul
Bounced with bul (1 against 1).
Turkey: A gre -> alb

FoF -- Fall 1903

Results for Spring, 1903 (Movement)

Austria: A alb -> gre
Failed because Austria: F gre -> bul/sc failed.
Austria: A bud Holds
Austria: A bul -> con
Bounced with con (1 against 1).
Austria: F gre -> bul/sc
Bounced with aeg (2 against 1).
Austria: A tri Holds
Austria: A vie Holds

English Prime Minister spent the night at his mother-in-law's due to a home remodeling snafu. He was unable to communicate with his armies, which sat idle as a result.

England: F edi Holds
England: F lvp Holds
England: A lon Holds
Dislodged from wal (2 against 1).
England: F nwy Holds

Army in London retreats to Yorkshire

France: F bel Supports F nth
Support failed. Move orders must be supported explicitly.
Dislodged from nth (2 against 1).
France: A bur Supports A mar
France: F eng Supports A wal -> lon
France: A mar Holds
France: A por -> spa
Bounced with lyo (1 against 1).
France: A wal -> lon

Fleet in Belgium retreats to Picardy

Germany: F bal Holds
Germany: F den Holds
Germany: A hol Supports F nth -> bel
Germany: A mun Holds
Germany: F nth -> bel

Italy: F lyo -> spa/sc
Bounced with por (1 against 1).
Italy: F ion Holds
Italy: A pie -> mar
Bounced with mar (1 against 2).
Italy: A ven Holds

Russia: F arm -> ank
Russia: F bla Supports F arm -> ank
Russia: A fin Supports F swe
Russia: A rum Supports F gre -> bul
Russia: F swe Holds
Russia: A war -> lvn

Turkey: F aeg -> bul/sc
Bounced with gre (2 against 1).
Turkey: A ank -> arm
Bounced with arm (1 against 1).
Dislodged from arm (2 against 1).
Turkey: F con Supports F aeg -> bul

Army in Ankara retreats to Smyrna

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

AIL -- Spring 1903

History Repeats Itself: Balkans Locked in See-Saw Battle
Turks Take Greece, Still Unable To Control Crete
England Declares Russia "Freaking Enormous"

Results for Fall, 1902 (Movement)

Austria: A bud -> tri
Austria: A vie Supports A bud -> tri

No open home supply centers to build on

England: F eng -> bel
Bounced with bel (1 against 2).
England: F nth Supports F eng -> bel
Support cut by Move from Helgoland Bight.
England: F nwg Supports F nth

France: F bre -> eng
Failed because England: F eng -> bel failed.
France: A mar Holds
France: F mao -> iri
France: A par Supports A pic
France: A pic Holds

Germany: A bel Holds
Germany: A boh Holds
Germany: A den Holds
Germany: F hel -> nth
Bounced with nth (2 against 2).
Germany: F hol Supports A bel
Germany: A mun -> ruh

Italy: A alb -> ser
Bounced with gre (1 against 1).
Italy: F ion Convoys A nap -> alb
Italy: A nap -> alb
Failed because Italy: A alb -> ser failed.
Convoy path taken: nap→ion→alb.
Italy: A tri Supports A alb -> ser
Support cut by Move from Budapest.
Dislodged from bud (2 against 1).
Italy: F tys Supports F ion

Trieste retreats to Vienna
Army in Albania is disbanded

Russia: F bla Holds
Russia: A fin -> swe
Russia: A gal -> bud
Russia: F nwy Supports F hel -> nth
Russia: A rum Supports A gal -> bud
Russia: F stp/nc Supports F nwy

New Army in Warsaw
New Army in Sevastapol

Turkey: F aeg -> gre
Failed because Turkey: A gre -> ser failed.
Turkey: A ank Holds
Turkey: F bul/sc Supports F aeg -> gre
Turkey: A gre -> ser
Bounced with alb (1 against 1).

New Army in Constantinople

FoF -- Spring 1903

France Storms English Shores, Reportedly Unimpressed by Marmite
Vienna Builds New Vacation City on the Black Sea, Turks "WTF Pissed"
San Remo Overrun with Vespas: Italians Looking For Better Coast
Tunisian Whores Wondering Where the Business Went

Results for Fall, 1902

Austria: A alb -> ser
Bounced with bud (1 against 1).
Austria: A bud -> ser
Bounced with alb (1 against 1).
Austria: F gre Supports A ser -> bul
Austria: A ser -> bul
Austria: A tri Holds

New Army built in Vienna

England: F nth Supports A yor -> lon
Support cut by Move from Helgoland Bight.
Dislodged from hel (2 against 1).
England: F nwy Supports F swe
England: A yor -> lon

Helgoland retreats to Edinburgh

New Fleet built in Liverpool

France: F bel Supports F hel -> nth
France: A bur Holds
France: F eng Convoys A pic -> wal
France: A pic -> wal
Convoy path taken: pic→eng→wal.
France: A spa -> por

New Army built in Marseilles

Germany: F bal -> swe
Bounced with swe (2 against 2).
Germany: F den Supports F bal -> swe
Germany: F hel -> nth
Germany: A hol Holds
Germany: A mun Holds

Italy: A apu -> ven
Italy: F ion Holds
Italy: F tys -> lyo
Italy: A ven -> pie

Russia: F bla Supports F sev -> arm
Russia: A rum Supports A ser -> bul
Russia: F sev -> arm
Russia: A stp -> fin
Russia: F swe Holds
Russia: A ukr -> war

The Army in Bulgaria cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
Turkey: A ank Holds
Turkey: A bul Holds
Dislodged from ser (3 against 1).
Turkey: F con Supports F smy -> aeg
Turkey: F smy -> aeg