Results for Spring, 1903
Austria: A tri -> ser
Austria: A vie -> tri
Austria: A tri -> ser
Austria: A vie -> tri
England: F eng -> iri
England: F nth -> eng
Fleet in the North Sea retreats to Yorkshire
England: F nth -> eng
Bounced with bre (1 against 1).
Dislodged from hel (3 against 1).
England: F nwg -> naoDislodged from hel (3 against 1).
Fleet in the North Sea retreats to Yorkshire
France: F bre -> eng
France: A mar Holds
France: A par Supports A pic
France: A pic Holds
Bounced with nth (1 against 1).
France: F iri -> lvpFrance: A mar Holds
France: A par Supports A pic
France: A pic Holds
Germany: A bel Holds
Germany: A boh Holds
Germany: A den Holds
Germany: F hel -> nth
Germany: F hol Supports F hel -> nth
Germany: A ruh Supports A bel
Germany: A boh Holds
Germany: A den Holds
Germany: F hel -> nth
Germany: F hol Supports F hel -> nth
Germany: A ruh Supports A bel
No order for unit at Ionian Sea. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Naples. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Tyrrhenian Sea. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Venice. Hold order assigned.
Italy: F ion Holds
Italy: A nap Holds
Italy: F tys Holds
Italy: A ven Holds
No order for unit at Naples. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Tyrrhenian Sea. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Venice. Hold order assigned.
Italy: F ion Holds
Italy: A nap Holds
Italy: F tys Holds
Italy: A ven Holds
Russia: F bla Supports A rum
Russia: A bud Supports A gre -> ser
Russia: A rum Supports A bud
Russia: A sev Holds
Russia: F stp/nc -> bar
Russia: A swe Supports F nwy
Russia: A war -> gal
Russia: A bud Supports A gre -> ser
Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support given.
Russia: F nwy Supports F hel -> nthRussia: A rum Supports A bud
Russia: A sev Holds
Russia: F stp/nc -> bar
Russia: A swe Supports F nwy
Russia: A war -> gal
Turkey: F aeg -> gre
Turkey: A ank Holds
Turkey: F bul/sc -> con
Turkey: A ank Holds
Turkey: F bul/sc -> con
Bounced with con (1 against 1).
Turkey: A con -> bul Bounced with bul (1 against 1).
Turkey: A gre -> alb
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