Friday, October 5, 2007

FoF -- Fall 1903

Results for Spring, 1903 (Movement)

Austria: A alb -> gre
Failed because Austria: F gre -> bul/sc failed.
Austria: A bud Holds
Austria: A bul -> con
Bounced with con (1 against 1).
Austria: F gre -> bul/sc
Bounced with aeg (2 against 1).
Austria: A tri Holds
Austria: A vie Holds

English Prime Minister spent the night at his mother-in-law's due to a home remodeling snafu. He was unable to communicate with his armies, which sat idle as a result.

England: F edi Holds
England: F lvp Holds
England: A lon Holds
Dislodged from wal (2 against 1).
England: F nwy Holds

Army in London retreats to Yorkshire

France: F bel Supports F nth
Support failed. Move orders must be supported explicitly.
Dislodged from nth (2 against 1).
France: A bur Supports A mar
France: F eng Supports A wal -> lon
France: A mar Holds
France: A por -> spa
Bounced with lyo (1 against 1).
France: A wal -> lon

Fleet in Belgium retreats to Picardy

Germany: F bal Holds
Germany: F den Holds
Germany: A hol Supports F nth -> bel
Germany: A mun Holds
Germany: F nth -> bel

Italy: F lyo -> spa/sc
Bounced with por (1 against 1).
Italy: F ion Holds
Italy: A pie -> mar
Bounced with mar (1 against 2).
Italy: A ven Holds

Russia: F arm -> ank
Russia: F bla Supports F arm -> ank
Russia: A fin Supports F swe
Russia: A rum Supports F gre -> bul
Russia: F swe Holds
Russia: A war -> lvn

Turkey: F aeg -> bul/sc
Bounced with gre (2 against 1).
Turkey: A ank -> arm
Bounced with arm (1 against 1).
Dislodged from arm (2 against 1).
Turkey: F con Supports F aeg -> bul

Army in Ankara retreats to Smyrna

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