Wednesday, October 3, 2007

FoF -- Spring 1903

France Storms English Shores, Reportedly Unimpressed by Marmite
Vienna Builds New Vacation City on the Black Sea, Turks "WTF Pissed"
San Remo Overrun with Vespas: Italians Looking For Better Coast
Tunisian Whores Wondering Where the Business Went

Results for Fall, 1902

Austria: A alb -> ser
Bounced with bud (1 against 1).
Austria: A bud -> ser
Bounced with alb (1 against 1).
Austria: F gre Supports A ser -> bul
Austria: A ser -> bul
Austria: A tri Holds

New Army built in Vienna

England: F nth Supports A yor -> lon
Support cut by Move from Helgoland Bight.
Dislodged from hel (2 against 1).
England: F nwy Supports F swe
England: A yor -> lon

Helgoland retreats to Edinburgh

New Fleet built in Liverpool

France: F bel Supports F hel -> nth
France: A bur Holds
France: F eng Convoys A pic -> wal
France: A pic -> wal
Convoy path taken: pic→eng→wal.
France: A spa -> por

New Army built in Marseilles

Germany: F bal -> swe
Bounced with swe (2 against 2).
Germany: F den Supports F bal -> swe
Germany: F hel -> nth
Germany: A hol Holds
Germany: A mun Holds

Italy: A apu -> ven
Italy: F ion Holds
Italy: F tys -> lyo
Italy: A ven -> pie

Russia: F bla Supports F sev -> arm
Russia: A rum Supports A ser -> bul
Russia: F sev -> arm
Russia: A stp -> fin
Russia: F swe Holds
Russia: A ukr -> war

The Army in Bulgaria cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
Turkey: A ank Holds
Turkey: A bul Holds
Dislodged from ser (3 against 1).
Turkey: F con Supports F smy -> aeg
Turkey: F smy -> aeg

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