Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fall, 1904

The Circumnavigatory Orders:

The Peripatetic Results:

Ok, a quick recap of this years hot shell-shocked European peasant on shell-shocked European peasant action:

The German forces in Holland were buttfucked out of existence by a daring predawn joint Franco-British tactical buttfucking maneuver. There was also a highly coordinated French buttfucking operation in Munich, but without a saucy Englishman to hold him down, the wily German managed to wiggle off to freedom and avoid being buttfucked to death.

In other news, Turkey still insists on lending aid and assistance to the Austro-Hungarian freedom fighters still encamped somewhere in the cave networks that honeycomb the Sevastapolian mountains.

Greece and Turkey continue their spoiling maneuvers in the Mediterranean, the salty admiralty sending volleys of sternly-worded Morse code messages to each other concerning the questionable quality of their baklava and the insufficient swarthiness of their crews.

Finally, nobody seems to have a problem with Russia. They're just chillin.

One more thing, for your orders, please specify what action you're supporting, especially when supporting an ally Don't say, e.g. X supports Y, where you could say X supports Y->Z. The reason for this, of course, is that a great way to buttfuck your buddy is to trick him into supporting an action you aren't going to actually do, which makes his support order turn into an order to jam his thumb up his butt and look like a sucker.

That's about it, Great Powers. Have fun diplomacizing!


Wicked Huge Diplomacy Fan said...

Great blog post, dog.

Anonymous said...

********Gr0w your pen1s 10 1nches ********* you Austrian swinez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RONPAUL2012