Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall 1909 Builds/Disbands


France +1
England +1


Italy -1
Russia -1

Get em at me!

Fall 1909

The Proprietary Orders:
The Non-Euclidean Results:
Retreat me up, Czalterio!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Spring 1909

The Puzzling Orders:
The Non-Elucidating Results:
Grizzly shit. Marquis du Salmond continues his ruthless campaign of subjugating all Mediterranean resort facilities, crushing the overpaid Gauloise-smoking busboys and white-jacketed concierges beneath his designer jackboots. He still maintains a long-distance relationship with noted boy toy King Benji, who is locked in a high stakes rock paper scissors contest with Czar Alterio, who managed to slip his hand undetected into the shirt of Grand Vizier Cherry and twist his Armenia-shaped nipple until it squirted some milky blood. Sources report the Grand Vizier is meeting with his surgeons about possible courses of treatment for the grotesque and malformed nipple. However Cherry has other pieces of kebab on his skewer, and so he turns his beady and heavy-browed eyes to the West. Is the Vizier to be the first man to stand up to the powdered and perfumed Marquis and say "excuse me, sir, but I think I speak for everyone when I say that it's entirely possible that you've taken juuuust about your fair share of European territory."? Only time shall tell. No retreats this season cause you all suck at this. Peace motherfuckers!

<3 zee Dungeonmastah

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fall 1908 Builds/Disbands

Builds & Disbands

France +1

Italy -2 (yeeowch!)

Fall 1908

The Mellifluous Orders:
The Discordant Results:

For the first time in a dog's age, something interesting is happening over here in Hazzard County. Now, some folks would say that this game was all locked up, and that Marquis du Hogg and King Rosco was a-gonna run away with the whole shebang. But it looks like them Duke boys were at it again, and they went and did something about it. First of all, Rofo Duke went and jumped the General Lee clear over the Mediterranean Ocean and landed safely in Spain! Can you believe that? Meanwhile ole Cherry Duke set a little trap for his brother and up and took all of the Peloponnesian peninsula away from him. Uh-oh! Daisy ain't gonna like hearing about that! Uncle Jessie, on the other hand didn't do so well when King Rosco sent Cooter on over to the garage to twist his nipple until he finally gave over the rare Livonian carburetor, that will give the Hazzard County sheriff's department the ability to clear some really gnarly jumps.

Terry, gimme a retreat order (you can go to Gascony or Portugal)
Joe, youre going to Warsaw, whether you like it or not

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Spring 1908

The Supercilious Orders:
The Humbling Results:
The alliance between the Marquis du Salmond and King Benji III continues unabated. This Spring marks a very special milestone for the happy couple. As of right now, they both have 9 Supply Centers, half of the requirement for victory. Something to think about, everyone who isn't Terry and Ben. Also, I'll be goddamned if you two try and pull some fruitcake "shared victory" bullshit.

Il Rofo, holler at me with a retreat order, you can get into Tus, Apu or Tri

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fall 1907 Builds & Disbands

Woof. Crazy shit, bros. In a move of unparalleled sneakiness and questionable genius, Marquis Du Salmond slipped his manicured hand into the blouse of Il Rofo, and tweaked his nipple by retreating into his capitol seizing it at the last minute! Blammorelli.


England +1
France +2


Italy -2 (yowch!)


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fall 1907

The Salacious Orders:
The Lascivious Results:
No time for a cute story today, gentlemen. Sozballs. Marquis Du Salmond! Gimme a retreat order, suckah

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

Spring 1907

The Peristaltic Orders:
The Expectoratory Results (with one retreat):

A Simple Fable, with a Moral:

Once upon a time there was a frog and a lion, and they were the best of friends. They made an unusual pair; after all, who ever heard of a frog and a lion being friends? But friends they were, and they spent all their time together, frolicking in the fields, or lazing about in the swamps. "Oh", said everyone, "those two couldn't possibly hurt anyone. Look at the way they are constantly holding hands and looking into each others eyes. They are the gentlest souls in all of Animal-Towne." Meanwhile, Frog and Lion spent their days arguing over which one of them loved the other more and amassing vast reserves of rifles, artillery shells and mustard gas. "Oh, how adorable!", said the other residents of animal-towne, "Lion and Frog are making things. How industrious! Let's leave them too it, they're too cute to ever bother any of us."
But then one day, Frog and Lion decided that they were better than everyone else, and that because they were so much better, it was their divine sword-from-the-most-high right, nay, Duty to absolutely exterminate all the other denizens of Animal-Towne. As their storm troopers goose-stepped their way across the scorched earth of Animal-Towne, all the poor other animals wailed "Why? We just let Frog and Lion enjoy themselves and never bothered them at all!! What did we do to deserve this? Woe is me!!!"

Moral of the story: Terry and Ben are wicked fucking homos.

Il Rofo, I need a retreat order for Venice. He can go to Apulia or Tuscany. Tunis bounced on the double, put the pedal to the floor, and made tracks for North Africa, which was his only option.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fall 1906

The Unconscionable Orders:
The Head-Clutching Results (with retreats):
The Unprecedented Third Map:

We have our first casualty of war, ladies and gentlemen! Yes that's right, while the war in Europe rages, the poor disenfranchised leader of the Austrian nation-state Archduke Guerra slips this mortal coil, not to the sound of cannon and battle, as he had hoped, but to the much more terrible cacophony of thunderous indifference. The Archduke will be briefly mourned and vaguely remembered for dying as he lived: making a feeble attempt to take Vienna that was countered by an ever-so-slightly-less feeble defense on the part of Kaiser von Turley, who swatted away the attacker in the manner of a sweaty, morbidly obese woman with labored breathing swatting away a bothersome mosquito as she watches her stories and eats bon-bons in her un-airconditioned double-wide trailer.
Grand Vizier Cherry was rumored to shed one solitary, lonely teardrop for his beloved ward before steeling himself for the greatest two-way, AC/DC buttfucking the Mediterranean has seen in this protracted, distended, pink sock-like conflict. After brutal fighting in the Peloponnese, Il Rofo and the Vizier had fought each other to a standstill in massively complicated Greek campaign, only to both be forced to retreat to Albania, where the exhausted and battleweary troops were mercilessly exterminated by the grim and steely-eyed Zaganjori mountain fighters. When the slaughter was over, the hills of Albania sang with their dreaded battle cry of "Dooooooo-riiiiiiiiiitos!"
The Marquis failed to seize any of Rofos improbably well-defended territory, despite deploying his entire fucking nation down to the Mediterranean. Maybe next year, froggie! However, his best friend, confidant, and between-the-covers-butthole-lover King Benji III fared much better in the frozen north, as he cruelly twisted the knife that he had previously jellied into Czar Alterios guthouse last spring. "Ow! Knock it off!", the Czar was reported to have said, as Pax Britannia took a giant rape-shaped dump on all of his former Scandinavian protectorates.

England +1
Italy +1
Turkey +1

Austria -1 (Don't worry EG, you'll get em next time, tiger!)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Spring 1906

The Arousing Orders:
The Tumescent Results:

A quaint distraction, in the form of a play to be performed in one act

KING BENJI III: Excuse me, Czar Alterio?
CZAR ALTERIO: Yes, my good man? What can I do for...
KING BENJI III swings a shovel around and smacks Czar Alterio right in the face-nuts
CZAR ALTERIO (spitting out blood and broken teeth): The fuck, man?!
MARQUIS DU SALMOND: Il Rofo, my friend and neighbor! Well met, good chap! I couldn't help but notice you bending over seductively while you washed that corvette in your drive-way. Would you mind if I came over this flimsy picket fence and helped myself to a glass of that delicious..."lemonade" your wife makes?
IL ROFO: Please hold on, dearest Sultan Cherry. I seem to have a slight problem to the West. Surely I can trust you to not mess with any of my stuff while I'm away dealing with it?
SULTAN CHERRY: Il Rofo, it shall be no problem at all. I shall just busy myself with my favorite charity, the philanthropic activity of lifting up from poverty and inner city gang activity the disadvantaged Austro-Hungarian people.
CZAR ALTERIO (still working at a stubborn broken tooth): Lousy Benji over there thinking hes the stupid King of England or something. Why I oughta, grumble, mumble, etc.
Sees ARCHDUKE GUERRA and suddenly gets an idea
Hey! C'mere you!
Grabs the Archduke by the scruff of his collar and cartoonishly kicks him down the street and into Galacia
ARCHDUKE GUERRA: teeheeheeee!
KAISER MAGIC VON TURLEY whistles tunelessly and nervously


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fall 1905

The Richter Gnar-Gnar Orders:
The Crucsh-Dawg Results:

Bros! Look at this gnarly bullshit! Where to start dudes?

First off, it looks like the notoriously horny Marquis du Salmond just couldn't sit idly by and let Il Rofo just chill there, bending over seductively to pick up his keys or something, with his underwear on backwards. A great order went out to the French forces: "strap on your buttfucking boots and head towards Italy, garcons!"

Italy can't yet be bothered to care, for Il Rofo is still basking in his successes in his conquest of Greece. How happy could a young dictator be? The Turks warmed up that toilet seat, and now the Wops are going to have a lovely opportunity to take a big shit on it. By which I of course mean, buttfucking the ever living shit out of a Greek population that has already become acclimatised to brutal and daily rapes and indignities at the hands of the foreign-sounding and be-turbaned Turks.

Meanwhile, King Benji III has decided to get out of the kitchen and assert his independence by staging some serious buttfucking of his own, this time directed at the Soviet settlements in Scandinavia, who were just minding their own business, enjoying socialized health care, and plotting the downfall of Pax Brittania! Fuck those guys, am I right Benji? In any case, those Swedes better put down the borscht and pick up the spotted dick, know what I'm sayin?

On her southern front, Czar Alterio's Red Army comrades continue their regional game of slappy-slappy with the famously slap-happy Turks. This conflict still seems to still be focusing on the Elian Gonzalez of Eastern Europe, the deposed Archduke Guerra, improbably entrenched in Rumania with a small cadre of elite stormtroopers/sommeliers. When will this festering Balkan zit come to a ripe, turgid head and burst, spraying the continent with the grizzly pus of glory and conquest?

And finally and most unexpectedly, the formerly staid and aristocratic Kaiser Magic von Turley has put down the brandy snifter and picked up the hash pipe, turtleneck, and paint brush. Yes that's right, bru-brows, he has decamped for Bohemia, where a bright future of bongo drums and beat poetry awaits.

I took the liberty of retreating the Russian and Italian forces to the only options available to them, namely Finland and the Eastern Mediterranean. Here are your builds and disbands:

England +1
Italy +1
Russia -1
Turkey -1

Get em in. Blammo!