Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Spring 1906

The Arousing Orders:
The Tumescent Results:

A quaint distraction, in the form of a play to be performed in one act

KING BENJI III: Excuse me, Czar Alterio?
CZAR ALTERIO: Yes, my good man? What can I do for...
KING BENJI III swings a shovel around and smacks Czar Alterio right in the face-nuts
CZAR ALTERIO (spitting out blood and broken teeth): The fuck, man?!
MARQUIS DU SALMOND: Il Rofo, my friend and neighbor! Well met, good chap! I couldn't help but notice you bending over seductively while you washed that corvette in your drive-way. Would you mind if I came over this flimsy picket fence and helped myself to a glass of that delicious..."lemonade" your wife makes?
IL ROFO: Please hold on, dearest Sultan Cherry. I seem to have a slight problem to the West. Surely I can trust you to not mess with any of my stuff while I'm away dealing with it?
SULTAN CHERRY: Il Rofo, it shall be no problem at all. I shall just busy myself with my favorite charity, the philanthropic activity of lifting up from poverty and inner city gang activity the disadvantaged Austro-Hungarian people.
CZAR ALTERIO (still working at a stubborn broken tooth): Lousy Benji over there thinking hes the stupid King of England or something. Why I oughta, grumble, mumble, etc.
Sees ARCHDUKE GUERRA and suddenly gets an idea
Hey! C'mere you!
Grabs the Archduke by the scruff of his collar and cartoonishly kicks him down the street and into Galacia
ARCHDUKE GUERRA: teeheeheeee!
KAISER MAGIC VON TURLEY whistles tunelessly and nervously


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