Monday, September 12, 2011

Spring 1907

The Peristaltic Orders:
The Expectoratory Results (with one retreat):

A Simple Fable, with a Moral:

Once upon a time there was a frog and a lion, and they were the best of friends. They made an unusual pair; after all, who ever heard of a frog and a lion being friends? But friends they were, and they spent all their time together, frolicking in the fields, or lazing about in the swamps. "Oh", said everyone, "those two couldn't possibly hurt anyone. Look at the way they are constantly holding hands and looking into each others eyes. They are the gentlest souls in all of Animal-Towne." Meanwhile, Frog and Lion spent their days arguing over which one of them loved the other more and amassing vast reserves of rifles, artillery shells and mustard gas. "Oh, how adorable!", said the other residents of animal-towne, "Lion and Frog are making things. How industrious! Let's leave them too it, they're too cute to ever bother any of us."
But then one day, Frog and Lion decided that they were better than everyone else, and that because they were so much better, it was their divine sword-from-the-most-high right, nay, Duty to absolutely exterminate all the other denizens of Animal-Towne. As their storm troopers goose-stepped their way across the scorched earth of Animal-Towne, all the poor other animals wailed "Why? We just let Frog and Lion enjoy themselves and never bothered them at all!! What did we do to deserve this? Woe is me!!!"

Moral of the story: Terry and Ben are wicked fucking homos.

Il Rofo, I need a retreat order for Venice. He can go to Apulia or Tuscany. Tunis bounced on the double, put the pedal to the floor, and made tracks for North Africa, which was his only option.

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