Friday, October 7, 2011

Fall 1910 (Again, it would seem. I don't know, maybe ze Germans invented some kind of Romulan-esque time weapon)

The Punctual Orders:
The Only Avenues of Retreat:
The Disturbingly Blue-Tinted Results:

Kaplizzo! Despite the delays this week, we've got a pretty serious set of moves. The double-breasted, stiff-upper-lipped shock troopers of King Benji III marched on Moscow, took one look at the Russian tea room and said "Blimey crumpets! I'll be bug-snarkered, I will!" before putting all of Red Square to the torch to make room for a place that serves gin and liver pie. Czar Alterio's troubles weren't limited to the sneering calls of "choke on it guv'nah!" from the British, as he had to contend with the unchecked brutality of a swarthy horde of unwashed Saracens marching from the south. When Grand Vizier Cherrys beturbaned and unshaven horde was done with him, the poor Czar was forced to retreat to the decidedly low-rent Rumania and Armenia, where all he has to look forward to is lukewarm beet gruel and thick peasant women with too few eyebrows and too many moles. Meanwhile Marquis du Salmond just chills in the West, buttfucking whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and everyone seems to be totally cool with it, bro. Rumors abound that the notoriously decadent Marquis is possessed of certain appetites and he has been having the most comely young men and the most robust livestock sent from his newly conquered territories to the palace at Versailles for his amusement.


France +2
Britain +1
Turkey +1
Russia -1

Get em in, suckahs

1 comment:

Joe said...

Some of like too few eyebrows, okay?