Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall 1910, or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love The Ever-Variegating Real Estate Market

The Banananuts Orders:
The Wacky Races-esque Results:

BAM! In one elegant Crouching Tiger-ish maneuver, the Marquis buttfucked Kaiser von Turley to death and then swung around and buttfucked Il Rofo to death with the Kaisers grotesquely dismembered body. Meanwhile King Benji continues to pour lemon juice into gaping papercut on Czarterios commie ballsack as he took away Galicia in the manner of a cartoon bully who dangles a milquetoast by his feet as coins fall from his upturned pockets (need a retreat order there, by the way- Ukrane or Bohemia). What else is going on? Why, what else ISN'T going on? There's almost too much to talk about, I'm a-getting the vapors. Turkey and France traded Tunis for Trieste while the Grand Vizier made a pretty compelling argument for teaching everyone in the Balkans which way Mecca is. But whats this? There are troubling and unconfirmed reports of Cyrillic street signs popping up in Ankara. Faaaaaaaaaaaaaascinating stuff. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaascinating.

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