Monday, October 17, 2011

Spring 1912

The Pulchritudinous Orders:
The Insalubrious Results:

And then there were three. There you have it folks, Czar Alterio went and bought the collective farm. Grand Vizier Cherry sent Czalterio to the great big nonprofit leftist bookstore in the sky as he buttfucked his way back into Constantinople. "With my last breath I curse Zoidberg!" he was heard to shout. Even as the Sultan reclaimed his capitol Rumania, Tunis and Serbia fell to the much feared Limpwristed Dandy Corps of the great Franco-Turdburgler alliance. Those in the know have been asking each other in cartoonish whispers when that alliance will finally crumble and we'll all get to see the continent tear itself apart in the Andre the Giant vs Hulk Hogan style slaughterfest we've all been waiting for.

PS Cherry, we need a retreat for the Serbian. He can skedaddle to Albania or Greece.

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