Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Spring 1913

The Pathetic Orders:
The Predictable Results:

Flying in the face of any sense of logic, gamesmanship or fun, King Benji III and the Marquis du Salmond continue to hold hands, gaze longingly into each others eyes, and not fuck with each other. Turkey alone remains. Grand Vizier Cherry stares into the middle distance, squinting his dusky eyes and grinding his stained teeth, burdened with the grim knowledge that he is the last stalwart defender to stand in defiance of this juggernaut of friendship and bushy-tailed sunshine rainbow feelings that has been trundling it's way across the continent. He has dispatched spies and infiltrators to London and Paris, to whisper in the ears of monarchs and let them know that you need 18 supply centers to win, and there are only 34 on the map.

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